This table shows the position of the horse at the 1st marker. The 1st marker is 180m, 200m or 209m into the race depending on the race distance
Pos. | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest times (equivalent) to the 1st marker
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest official times from the HRNZ website based on the filters chosen above. For example – 1980m mobile race
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest times (equivalent) based on the filters chosen above. For example – 1980m mobile race
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest mile rate times (equivalent). This is measured from the mile marker to the finish line.
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest last 800m times (equivalent)
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table shows the fastest last 400m times (equivalent)
Time | Horse Name | Date | Distance | Race Type | Draw | Result | Stakes |
This table is a detailed analysis of all the horses in the race. The below filters update this table only
No. | Horse | Date | Course | Race Type | Distance | Draw | Result | Margin | Driver | Trainer | Field size | Stakes | Race rating | Handicapping | Handicap | Time | Time equiv | Mile time equiv | 800m time equiv | 400m time equiv | Pos 2400m | Pos 2200m | Pos 2000m | Pos 1800m | Pos 1600m | Pos 1400m | Pos 1200m | Pos 1000m | Pos 800m | Pos 600m | Pos 400m | Pos 200m | Marg 2400m | Marg 2200m | Marg 2000m | Marg 1800m | Marg 1600m | Marg 1400m | Marg 1200m | Marg 1000m | Marg 800m | Marg 600m | Marg 400m | Marg 200m |